our services + what to expect.
As you enter from Bigelow Ave., follow the front drive around to the back of the church and the main parking lot. The main entry is located along the circular drive off the parking lot.
As you enter, the restrooms and kids rooms are off to the right. There is a table straight ahead which features guest information to help you learn more about the church.
Straight ahead are the cafe and sanctuary area. Our Cafe is fully stocked with coffee, tea and snacks. Help yourself to anything and pull up a chair at one of the bistro tables. You are welcome to bring your drink or snack into the worship area with you.
As you enter, the restrooms and kids rooms are off to the right. There is a table straight ahead which features guest information to help you learn more about the church.
Straight ahead are the cafe and sanctuary area. Our Cafe is fully stocked with coffee, tea and snacks. Help yourself to anything and pull up a chair at one of the bistro tables. You are welcome to bring your drink or snack into the worship area with you.
9:00AM Traditional Worship We observe communion on the first Sunday of the month.
After worship there is time and space to share in coffee and snacks. If you don’t need to dash off, we invite you to sit in the cafe and visit with others who have gathered. |
10:00AM Combined Worship 5th Sundays only This service is a combination of components from both our traditional and emergent worship services that only occurs on the 5th Sundays of the month.
11:00AM Emergent Worship We feel that the vital components to worship include music, teaching & discussion.
We observe communion on the first Sunday of the month. Feel free to enjoy our coffee/tea bar before, during, and/or after worship. |
Journey @ Christ Church welcomes children of all ages as integral members of the body of Christ, and we welcome the sounds and activity that accompany them. We celebrate that God put the wiggle in children and gave them happy feet.
A Prayground space is an engaging space supplied with quiet toys, books, puzzles, drawing materials, and other tangible ways for young children to spend time with God in the rear of the sanctuary. Our hope is that it provides space and tools for families to meaningfully encounter God in worship together. We understand kids both in the Prayground and in pews may be loud from time to time; we would rather hear them then have a silent church with no kids. A Quiet Room is also available at the back of the sanctuary during both worship gatherings if your baby needs a break, and you can still participate in the worship service.
During the school year, at 11:00 am, Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to begin worship with us in the sanctuary and then following the opening worship time are invited to move down the hall for Kids Church, their very own time of age-specific learning and play. Youth in 6th-12th grade are invited to stay in the worship space during the teaching time and then move to the youth area for a time of discussion about the message.
During the summer (typically Memorial Day-Labor Day), families remain together for worship. Worshiping with children gives us a glimpse of God’s great big love here and now. A children's message is included in our worship service and activity packets are available.
During the summer (typically Memorial Day-Labor Day), families remain together for worship. Worshiping with children gives us a glimpse of God’s great big love here and now. A children's message is included in our worship service and activity packets are available.
our mission.Sharing Life, Embracing Christ through Authentic Missional Community...
We believe that faith is not something that you do on your own, but should be lived out amongst others. We encourage the practice of sharing life with one another as we walk forward through the good times and bad. While true faith is indeed a relationship between an individual and Jesus, faith is also better lived out in community with others. In the midst of sharing life, we urge all to move beyond our lives to embracing Christ in all that we do. We commonly embrace those whom we love so it’s only appropriate to do so with the God who loved us first. God seeks a relationship with us because He loves us, so we look for ways that we can embrace Christ with our very lives. |
As we share life and embrace Christ, we seek to do so through a community which is authentic and missional. There are far too many places in our world where we are unable to truly be ourselves. Yet at the same time, we earnestly seek authenticity in our relationships. We believe that authenticity is key in our relationships, leadership, and service to others. Wearing a mask will get us nowhere, and plastic people do not accurately represent the God we love. So we strive to be authentic in everything that we do. While authenticity allows others to see our weakness and failures, it also enables us to move forward as a community.We seek to be a community of people who are missional in our faith. It’s awfully easy to sit back and relax when it comes to faith. But the Bible clearly instructs us that we are to love the people God loves, and that’s everyone. So we must view our lives as a mission for the sake of God, seeking out those who need love, care, support, assistance, acceptance, and inclusion in a family, and offering the freedom that Jesus brings. God does the rest.
A big part of Journey at Christ Church is the concept of community. You’ll find it in our literature and website, but hopefully you’ll find it even more in our people as we gather. Life is hard sometimes. It’s messy and grueling. But it’s also beautiful and wonderful. We believe that all people have value and, therefore, no one should have to go through this journey of life alone. It’s far better to travel with a friend. So we seek to infuse the concept of community into everything we do. That’s why we encourage people to join a small group. That’s why we gather for events and meals. That’s why we serve others side-by-side. And that’s why we worship in the style and philosophy that we do. Community. The way the Church should be. The journey is better when taken with a friend.
A big part of Journey at Christ Church is the concept of community. You’ll find it in our literature and website, but hopefully you’ll find it even more in our people as we gather. Life is hard sometimes. It’s messy and grueling. But it’s also beautiful and wonderful. We believe that all people have value and, therefore, no one should have to go through this journey of life alone. It’s far better to travel with a friend. So we seek to infuse the concept of community into everything we do. That’s why we encourage people to join a small group. That’s why we gather for events and meals. That’s why we serve others side-by-side. And that’s why we worship in the style and philosophy that we do. Community. The way the Church should be. The journey is better when taken with a friend.
our vision.Our vision is to be a nurturing faith community with space and hearts for those beyond our walls.
We feel that it is vital to have vision for people rather than programs. Programs, strategies, studies, and classes don’t go on into eternity, people do. And we acknowlege that God has a heart for people rather than programs. So our vision is tied to people. We want to nurture those who are inside the walls in a true atmosphere of faith and community. But we also want to think beyond our walls. When we say “those beyond our walls” we simply mean those who are not yet connected to a faith community. People are at all points in the journey. Some are just starting, some have been on the journey a while, and some have started and stopped at various points. Regardless of whether people have or haven’t grown up in church, or have been hurt and left the church, we have space and hearts for all people. |
We hope to create the proper conditions where people: Know how to love and how to be loved – Get their hands dirty; meet peoples’ needs – Show the love of Jesus in a tangible way – Think outside of themselves – how our choices affect others in our family, community, nation, and internationally – Feel a sense of belonging; that they matter to the J@CC community regardless of where they are spiritually or emotionally Ultimately, we hope to create spaces where people can develop into fully devoted followers of Jesus who immerse others in the reality of God here on earth, and teach them to obey those teachings of Jesus. This concept is seen in Matthew 28:19-20 in what we commonly call The Great Commission. We believe that this portion of scripture is what Jesus would use to answer the question of “what are we hoping for?” How we live that out is our support of Christ’s hope.
We hope to be: Respected in the community as a welcoming, safe, and authentic church, involved in mission and justice in Findlay and beyond – A faith community whose focus is between Sundays and where Sunday is a celebration of God’s work at other times and other places – A community making a difference spiritually and physically in people’s lives – A faith community that values the centrality of Jesus and the scriptures as the authority, rather than political or social issue or personal preference as the focus – A community who values relationships and conversation with those outside the community as a model for outreach.
our values.Love God : Love Others : Make Disciples : Build Christ’s Church
The Great Commandment that Jesus speaks in the gospels sums up all of the commands of God. Love God with all that you are. Love people. Period. We think that sums things up. As followers of Jesus, we also follow His instructions to make disciples, which is really a fancy way of saying “help others meet Jesus.” If we do these things then we will be able to build Christ’s Church on earth and introduce His Kingdom to the people around us. We value the values of God. |
our beliefs.
We believe that faith is not something you do on your own, but should be lived out amongst others. We encourage the practice of sharing life with one another as we walk forward through the good times and bad. While true faith is indeed a relationship between an individual and Jesus, faith is also better lived out in community with others.
In the midst of sharing life, we urge all to move beyond our lives to embracing Christ in all that we do. We commonly embrace those whom we love so it’s only appropriate to do so with the God who loved us first. God seeks a relationship with us because He loves us, so we look for ways that we can embrace Christ with our very lives.We believe in the basics of the Christian faith as described in The Apostle’s Creed and The Nicene Creed.
We are a church in connection with The United Methodist Church. We consider ourselves Biblically conservative and socially progressive as we seek to live out God’s call in line with Jesus’ teachings. Some may struggle with how to be both of these things at the same time, but we view Jesus that way. He was conservative in his love and adherence to scripture and yet quite progressive in how he interacted with people of the time and dispensed grace and love to all. How can you get your hands dirty if you don’t get into the dirt?
In the midst of sharing life, we urge all to move beyond our lives to embracing Christ in all that we do. We commonly embrace those whom we love so it’s only appropriate to do so with the God who loved us first. God seeks a relationship with us because He loves us, so we look for ways that we can embrace Christ with our very lives.We believe in the basics of the Christian faith as described in The Apostle’s Creed and The Nicene Creed.
We are a church in connection with The United Methodist Church. We consider ourselves Biblically conservative and socially progressive as we seek to live out God’s call in line with Jesus’ teachings. Some may struggle with how to be both of these things at the same time, but we view Jesus that way. He was conservative in his love and adherence to scripture and yet quite progressive in how he interacted with people of the time and dispensed grace and love to all. How can you get your hands dirty if you don’t get into the dirt?