CHILDREN'S MINISTRIESWe love kids! We believe that spending time with kids will teach us just as much about the journey as we can teach them. Their new perspectives on life renew our perspectives. Their untainted view of people and the world stretches us. The goal of Journey @ Christ Church is to provide a safe, comfortable and nurturing environment for all children. Our Children’s Ministry Servant Leaders have passed a background check and agree to abide to our Safe Sanctuaries Policy.
Prayground A Prayground space is supplied with quiet toys, books, puzzles, drawing materials, and other tangible ways for young children to spend time with God in the rear of the sanctuary. A Quiet Room is also available at the back of the sanctuary during both worship gatherings. Babies and toddlers are welcome to join us in worship. Birth-3 year olds The Nursery/Playroom welcomes children from birth to age 3. It is staffed by two adult leaders each week. A Quiet Room is also available at the back of the sanctuary during both worship gatherings. Babies and toddlers are welcome to join us in worship. Kids Church – Kindergarten-5th grade During the school year, children in Kindergarten through 5th grade are dismissed after the 11:00 am opening worship time for age appropriate lessons and activities that usually match the worship message. Youth Connection – 6th-12th gradeYouth, ages 6th-12th grade are dismissed to the Youth Room for their own discussion time immediately following the message. |
YOUTH MINISTRIESOur desire is to have middle school and high school students integrated into the life of the church in as many ways as possible. Our worship gatherings are designed to be interactive and participatory and we encourage students to be a part of that. There are opportunities to be involved in our gatherings as well as other parts of the life of our community. Youth Connection – 6th-12th grade Youth in 6th through 12th grade are dismissed to the Youth Room for their own discussion time immediately following the 11:00 am worship message. Special events, retreats, and other opportunities are planned throughout the year where we learn more about our faith through fellowship and activity. |
At J@CC we believe that it’s better for the individual and the church if everyone does ONE Thing and does ONE Thing well. It’s more God-honoring to discover your gifts and passion for serving, connect with a ministry, and serve with all you’ve got, compared to serving in multiple areas, getting burned out, and not involving everyone in the church. So that’s why we have begun to focus on ONE Thing. What’s your ONE Thing? We urge you to discover that area of ministry and jump in with both feet. One of the pastoral staff is willing to sit down and help you discover your ONE Thing. The following list is just the tip of the iceberg. |
Hospitality is a key to welcoming someone into your home. We view it as just as important to our church community. Hospitality responsibilities include welcoming and greeting people prior to our worship gatherings and helping them feel comfortable. Other hospitality areas include hosting our coffee bar, passing out announcement sheets, helping with ambience in our worship space, etc. |
Lifelines Recovery Ministry
This Group Is Currently on Hiatus This Biblically-based, discussion-formatted recovery group is designed for anyone dealing with an area of brokenness, whether codependency, spending, self-criticism, chemical addiction, eating disorders, sex, exercise, grief, etc. Even those struggling with life circumstances (divorce, etc.) or temporary emotional concerns can benefit from Lifelines. There is always room for more people on the journey so please join us. Email the church office for details, or with any questions. |
Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen. |
We try to use various layers of media in both worship services in an effort to connect with people through all the senses. We’re looking for people with technical know-how, or the willingness to learn. Components of media include putting presentations together during the week, running equipment on Sundays, creating videos and backgrounds, etc. |
This is the most vital part of being a church. It’s easy to get caught up in what makes a church operate, but in reality we don’t exist for ourselves. Missions encompasses a number of areas, from supporting missionaries through monetary giving to physical mission work by our congregation. Some of the ministries that we support financially and physically include City Mission, Chopin Hall, and the Hancock Christian Clearing House, as well as supporting missionaries in Italy. We have sent teams to New Orleans for Katrina Relief for five years and are currently considering where to serve next, both locally and nationally. |
Small Groups
We believe that Small Groups are a key way to grow as a believer in Jesus Christ. Worship is intended for giving praise to God; Small Groups are designed to help us grow in the context of community. We hope that all people at J@CC will be involved in a small group of some sort. Our small groups are not based on teaching and content, but rather have a focus on community, conversation, and sharing life with one another. We’re always looking for additional facilitators and host sites. |
Team Members
The focus is two-fold: 1) to give skills and training to our church family so that they feel comfortable and confident to reach out and share Jesus with their friends and loved ones, and 2) to create opportunities and an atmosphere into which new people might become acquainted and involved in the life of the church and a relationship with Jesus. The Outreach Ministry also strives to always be aware of how our church looks and is viewed by newcomers. |
At 10:15 on Sunday mornings we offer the opportunity for adults to join in a time of learning and discussion. At 11:00 our young children have a focused time of story, play, and art. Older kids and our adults have discussion oriented time centered around the theme and scripture of the morning. We’re looking for people with a gift of teaching. |
We believe that every person from J@CC is a minister, and therefore we try to have as many people carrying out ministry as possible. We have church family who are not always able to join us for worship and events. We want to keep them connected as much as possible, though. This ministry area enables the church family to stay connected with one another. |
Worship Design
It takes work to plan and prepare worship each week and we’d like to share the process with you. If you’re creative and passionate about worship and telling the story of God, consider this group. We’re looking for people with a creative flair and ability in photography, computers, video, design and decor, etc. |